Sunday, January 10, 2010

First Munich OpenHUG Meeting - Summary

On December 17th we had the first Munich OpenHUG meeting. The location was kindly provided by eCircle's Bob Schulze. This was the first in a series of meetings in Munich based on everything Hadoop and related technologies. Let's use the term NoSQL with care as this is not about blame or finger pointing (I feel that it was used like that in the past and therefore making this express point). We are trying to get together the brightest local and remote talent to report and present on new age and evolved existing technologies.

The first talk of the night was given by Bob himself presenting his findings of evaluating HBase and Hadoop for their internal use. He went into detail explaining how HBase is structuring its data and how it can be used for their needs. One thing that I noted in particular was his HBase Explorer, which he subsequently published on SourceForge as an Open Source project. The talk was concluded by an open discussion about HBase.

The second part of the meeting was my own presentation about how we at WorldLingo use HBase and Hadoop (as well as Lucene etc.)

We continued our discussion on HBase with the developers of eCircle present. This was very interesting and fruitful and we had the chance to exchange experiences made along our similar paths.

I would have wished for the overall attendance to be a little higher, but it was a great start. Talking to other hosts of similar events it seems that this is normal and therefore my hopes are up for the next meetings throughout this year. We have planned the next meeting for February 25th, 2010 at the same location. If you have interest in presenting a talk on any related topic, please contact me!

I am looking forward to meeting you all there!


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